Freedom POP | FAQ and How does it work

How to order your Free Wireless Phone and Service from Freedom POP

I’ll point out some important things real quick

Transferring ( Porting ) your Existing Phone Number to FreedomPOP

  • Yes you can port your number to FreedomPOP… in most cases
  • It Occurs after you phone is shipped. Not during the initial setup process
  • You can get a brand new number if you desire
  • They charge a $9.99 Port In Fee
  • Here is the actual port in process
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Hidden Charges – Or If you look like your about to exceed your free allowance

  • You will be charged a $29.95 Activation Fee for Phone and Service
  • You will have a $.01 charge on your bill – this keeps the account live and active and billed monthly
  • You might have to pay $15 in an escrow with them in the form of a charge against your credit card that is posted as a credit to your account if you exceed 100MB of Data use out of 500MB. This ensure that FreedomPOP gets paid if you go over your free data allowance.
  • You will have to downgrade services by end of each billing period, if you do not want the free 30 day offers they provide you… eg> 2GB of Data per Month, Unlimited Calls or texts. If you do not downgrade, you will be charged for the following month.
  • You can view all support and guides here at FreedomPop

The Set Up and Activation Process goes as follows:

#1) Click the Learn More Button Buy FreedomPOP Now found at

#2) You will be brought to this screen on the Freedom Pop Website

Freedom POP how to order

#3) Simply Type your Zip Code and Email Address into the grey shaded boxes and when done – Tap the “Get a Free Phone” green colored box.

#4) You will then be brought to the following screen…

Completing Your FreedomPOP Order

#5) You will be shown the Free Phone Selected for you. You do not have a choice. You will get the Free Phone that they choose for you. If you want to choose your own phone – then FreedomPOP is not for you.

#6) You will be shown your checkout screen. Keep in mind the following

  • In order to prevent fraud and folks scamming the company, they will always bill you $.01 per month. The account will always have a $.01 balance.
  • Read below so you can understand what types of charges you might see.. and what they mean.
  • The Premium 2 GB Trial is for the first 30 days. if you do not want this service ongoing – YOU MUST DEACTIVATE IT AND DOWNGRADE by the end of your billing cycle. Otherwise, you will be charged for this service every month.
  • The Phone Premier Trial is a Trial as well. Its a value added service that Freedom POP lets you try… but this too must be DEACTIVATED or DOWNGRADED by you, by the end of your billing cycle, otherwise you will be charged monthly for it.
  • There is a $29.95 One Time Activation Fee for the Phone and Service. This can not be waived.
  • Free Trial Renewal
    • When you sign up for service they often offer a free trial for one of our plans or some of our services. The free trial lasts for 30 days, after which you will incur the regular charge for that plan or service.
    • Please Note: Your service begins when your product ships.
    • This is so you have minimal setup steps, and you can begin using your device right out of the box. If you are not ready to use the device or SIM card, and you want to avoid charges, make sure to downgrade your service before your billing cycle renews.

#7) Simply fill out all of the empty boxes. – Tap the “Activate” green colored box.

What To Expect as far as charges go…

Top Ups – The $15 Charge

Freedom Pop uses a feature called Automatic Top Ups to cover you if you exceed your data limit. This means when you get close to your limit (called reaching your data threshold) you will incur a charge. This charge (called a Top Up) puts a money credit on your account. The credit is used to cover any data usage that exceeds your plan limit. (Think of it like an escrow account. If you go over your data – Freedom POP is guaranteed that you pay them.. If you don’t go over, the $15 Credit stays on your account)

Your data threshold, if you have a device, is 100MBs. This means if you are on the 500 MB plan, and you use 401 MBs of data, you will incur a Top Up charge. The Top Up charge is $15. If you see a $15 charge posted to your account, and you are not sure why, please check your data usage records. If you notice that you have come close to exceeding your limit you will be aware of the reason for the charge. If you do not surprass the 500MB, the $15 you were charged would stay as a credit on your account until you ever need it.

If you would like to disable the Top Up feature, you will need to sign up for the FreedomPop Safety Mode service, for $4.99 per month. To learn more about the Safety Mode service, please click here.

The one cent charge

If you incurred a $0.01 charge, and have questions about your bill, please refer to our Service Plans Terms agreement by clicking here. Make sure to scroll down, and review the Active and Suspended Broadband and Phone Service section for detailed information about this charge.

You’ve Turned Top Ups Off
As per our terms and conditions, Because actual data usage may be delayed up to 3 hours, to protect ourselves from fraud and leakage, you must have minimum account balance to be on 100% Free account, if not, $15 will be added to your credit which can be used for data overage.

If you are still not sure why you have incurred a charge, or if you have additional questions about your account, please click here to learn how to get in touch with a FreedomPop representative.

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